Grant County Abstract and Title Company has a history of over 100 years.

It first started as two separate companies, Grant County Title Company, and The Grant County Abstract Co. until they joined to form the Consolidated Abstract Company in 1909. The office was located on the first floor of the court house in the beginning and then moved to a building on Main Street before the court house caught fire so many records were saved.

The Grant County abstract and Title Company, formerly known as Consolidated Abstract Company, changed hands in 1922 and was then located in the court house again but on the third floor this time. The company was  operating out of two small rooms in the court house until 2015, where they then were able to purchase a building with more space for files and offices for the employees.

Our Records show that in 1922 the Consolidated Abstract Company was owned by Fred Walz. He was also the abstractor at the time and worked with his wife, Helen Walz and Ava Blomquist who both worked until 1972.  In 1967 The Grant County Abstract and Title Company was owned by Max Gruenwald, and the abstractor at that time was Norma Bracht who retired after 24 years of service. The abstractor after she left was Raynelle Mueller who passed her job onto Peg Dohrer.

The Title company began offering closing services as well. In 2011 the company was bought by Dave Gonzenbach, Terry Nelson, and Chad Nelson. Peg Dohrer was their Abstractor and worked for the company for over 20 years before she retired. The company was owned by Dave Gonzenbach and Terry Nelson, until December 30, 2022. They sold the company to their abstractor, Sara Jo Anderson, and closer, Dakota Wollschlager.

New owners, same service!